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Add-on modules

The modular system for your digital marketing

Product presentation in the customer's own room photos

InteriorStudio offers a variety of functional modules with which we can customize your product configurator to your individual requirements and link it to external applications.

Central web application (ZWA)

Create any number of versions from your InteriorStudio for your dealers, distributors or service providers.

With the ZWA module, you can duplicate your InteriorStudio for external partners or create versions for different brands. With each new version, you can adjust the colors of the user interface and GUI elements, insert logos and define product ranges and photo galleries.

Google Analytics

The module analyzes user behavior in InterieorStudio and forwards the data to Google Analytics. Individual specifications can be inserted on the basis of the API.

Direct Link

It directly links your InteriorStudio with your website. In this way, the module closes the gap between product presentation and further information.

Article full text search

The article full-text search is an indispensable aid in extensive product ranges for filtering products using keywords, article numbers etc. and listing them across product groups.

Product variants

The module lists all product variants of an article for interactive presentation and enables the direct visualization of a variant in the room photo. The associated product information is displayed automatically.

Social Media

The module enables users to send a link to the current product and room combination and/or publish it on social networks.


Customer feedback, product inquiries, surveys: the forms module enables the integration of all kinds of forms.


The CAD service makes it possible to transfer the selected floor covering as a laid surface directly into a CAD project or a 3D application. After selecting the product, the user enters the dimensions of the floor surface, selects the appropriate 3D format and downloads the textures as a 3D file.


The module offers the option of saving favorites and sharing them with other people (e.g. architects, builders). Once the configuration has been saved as a favorite, users can generate a code and share it with others. The code is valid for three months.


For mass customization products, the module forwards the individual design configuration for sample orders. The order data is automatically forwarded to your back-end system.

Design installation module

Present complex designs and laying patterns in photos of rooms

InteriorStudio offers a large number of installation patterns for floor coverings and ceramic tiles as standard, which can be expanded using the design installation module. Laying patterns can be selected from any number of articles. be put together. After selecting the laying pattern automatically lists only those products that are compatible with each other in accordance with the rules. can be combined. Each product within a laying pattern can be customized by the user.
can be selected individually. The results are immediately visible in the room photo.

Expand presentations -
Enable product comparisons and change of perspective


Split-View (= split screen) divides the presentation area into two areas in which different product configurations can be presented. The different designs are immediately comparable in the room photo.


The zoom-in function enables a high-resolution product display far beyond the screen resolution. Special features of the products, such as surface structures, chamfers, etc. can be highlighted and visualized in detail for the customer.

Perspective zoom

To highlight special product details and combinations, the perspective zoom can be used to place additional detailed views in the room photo. The perspective zoom shows a product from different perspectives or in different lighting situations and displays them in a new window.

Modules for e-commerce, area-based calculation and accessories

Web shop-integration

From visualizing and selecting the products to placing the order with just a few mouse clicks: the module enables the product selection and calculation to be transferred to the ordering process. Conversely, the product from the online store can be visualized in InteriorStudio.


The module determines the required quantity of material and accessories for floor and wall products on an area basis. The extended “plus” version calculates the material quantity for products from the design installation module.

Accessory items

The module lists the matching accessories for a product in the range and displays them with item information. In conjunction with the webshop integration and calculation modules, customer-friendly shopping experiences can be created.

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