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AI tool success story

In den letzten 12 Monaten zählte der KI-Fotodienst 3,68 Millionen Foto-Uploads. Whether as an integral part of our room configurators or as visualization aids in web stores: The personalized product presentation in the customer’s own room photos marks a turning point in the digital marketing of interior products.

For users of the AI tool, the idea is simple: take a photo of your own room, upload the photo via the AI tool and visualize floor and wall products directly in your own room photo. While there were around 35,000 uploads when the service was launched in April 2020, the average number of uploads over the last 12 months has exceeded 300,000. End customers have integrated the AI photo service into their product search and purchasing decisions.

90% of our customers use the AI photo service in the digital marketing of their products.

Status: April 2022

The service, which is free of charge for end customers, offers measurable benefits for both sides. As the product can be seen directly and realistically in the customer’s own room situation, the risk of making the wrong decision is reduced for end customers, and with it the complaint rate. In addition, customers can be channeled from the website to the showroom of the local dealer by sharing the individual room photo. Digital marketing is coupled with classic on-site service.

Das KI-Tool bietet einen einzigartigen, personalisierten Service, der für Anbieter einen erkennbaren Mehrwert darstellt. In addition to the level of awareness, the photo service influences the relationship between customer and provider. The personalized service contributes to higher market penetration. In conjunction with a web store, personalized product visualization increases the probability of a successful sale. The trend is clear: digital marketing of complex and varied interior products has reached a new level of personalization.

Picture of VEEUZE